Download the Gemini ASIO Driver and Traktor mapping files off of the proper product page on our website, G2V or G4V.
Connect your supplied power adapter and USB cable to the unit.
Connect your USB cable to an available USB port on your computer.
Power on the unit.
Your G2V/G4V will begin to install the necessary drivers. *NOTE (at this point do not unplug or power off the unit)
After the install and connection are complete you may launch Traktor.
Open the SETUP WIZARD in the bottom left-hand section of the CONFIG dialog box…
Please mirror the following screenshots…
“Are you using an external controller” NO
“Are you using an external mixer” NO
“Select your setup”
G2V – 2 Track Decks
G4V – 4 Track Decks
Continue to back to CONFIG and go into AUDIO SETUP and mirror the following screenshot…
Continue to OUTPUT ROUTING and mirror the screenshot below…
In CONTROLLER MANAGER you need to upload the Traktor mapping files downloaded off of the proper product page on our website.
Use the ADD IN command under device to import the TSI file. Use IMPORT OTHER to locate the file.
Make sure the IN and OUT PORTS are selected for your G2V or G4V.
The Device target should be FOCUS.
Product: G2V, G4V